Sonntag, 17. November 2013

cobra ode Firmware 1.8 veröffentlicht

cobra ode Firmware 1.8 veröffentlicht

The waiting is finally over and we are pleased to present the 1.8 release which fix issue from the last release.

MCU 1.8:
* Increase version number and recompiled 1.7 to avoid a compiler bug which caused MCU to crash

GenPS3iso v2.3:
* Fix crash when application finishes
* Less strict IRD verification that caused valid IRD files to appear as invalid
* Added support for IRD file format version 8
* Added support for files bigger than 4GB in IRD generated iso

We have also updated the user manual to 1.8 to reflect the MCU version and change concerning creation of ISO's.

Enjoy :)
Cobra ODE MCU v1.8
Cobra ODE GenPS3iso v2.3
Cobra ODE User Manual (English) v1.8

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